Join Us In Airside LADIES-ONLY Bootcamp where we GUARANTEE You Will Get Results and Enjoy Your Training More Than Ever Before
Results are only typical for people who follow the training and nutrition exactly
Oh, I almost forgot.
The classes aren’t really bootcamps. They are structured fat loss classes that are arranged as much like a personal training session as humanly possible in a group setting. We only call them bootcamps because that is what people are looking for.
Everybody trains at their own pace, there is no shouting, whistle blowing or any other nonsense. We are not there to ruin your evening or torment/ embarrass you. Our job is to get you results. If that involves talking to you about your diet for 10 minutes after the class, talking about adherence or just fixing your technique on exercises, that is what we will do.
We are that confident you will get the results, we are offering a 200% money back guarantee to anyone who gives our training and nutrition program a fair whack and doesn’t see a massive change after the first month.

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now. You CAN do this. This bootcamp can work for you. All you have to do it let me “prove it ” to you over the next couple of weeks. Call 086-123-8633 right now or Register for your FREE trial by signing up on the bottom of this page.
P.P.S. Remember, your success is MONEY BACK GUARANTEED!
P.P.P.S. An interesting point: 30 days from now you’ll either be a month older and possibly a few pounds heavier, or, you can be a 5-10 pounds lighter and 30 days closer to your fitness goal. You decide which on you would rather be one month from now. Make sure you make the right choice and call 086-123-8633 and start your FREE trial.
Bryan Kavanagh BSc CSCS
Fat Loss Expert
Physique Transformation Specialist